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 sarcastic - Danielson's Veterinary Hospital

As welfare institutions are cut down and public services get deregulated, private health care has become something that many people must resort to. This is why, inter alia, Danielson's Veterinary Hospital regrettably has popped up and become a less pricey alternative, and on top of that next door to us.

They have embarked upon another area, about which they haven't even the slightest knowledge, either. Not only have countless pets experienced some inferno within Danielson's walls before passing on. Now humans too are offered the same medieval 'care' at the clinic. Sick people come to Danielson's to get (what they think is) the best nursing available. But when realising what kind of treatment they really get it's too late, unfortunately.

  It appears as if people with injunctions against carrying on business and others, who for various reasons have been fired from similar institutions (though Danielson's really isn't similar to anything), immediately become employed at DVH after a summary interview, where the single question made is 'what would you like to work as?'. Oh, as a cardiologist! Jolly good!

  Unscrupulous scientists, sadists and various washouts therefore are on the payroll. Already the very first patient's complaints were so loud and intense that they didn't dare to discharge her, which turned out to be the only useful policy in order to keep up the business.

A well-off patient

We got this information from a man who one day coiled into our editorial office through the ventilator shaft. Before we realised that he was a person and no vermin, we had already sprayed him all over with insecticide.

- I crawled out through the ventila…arrgh…he rattled and died in our arms. On his clean-shaven and scarred head we found a stamp mark: "Property of Intensive Care". We sent Rolf, who only was lounging on the office floor anyway (well, now he has found eternal rest), to the hospital to find out what the man's last words were actually referring to. When Rolf came back, reporting that journalists were denied entrance there, we broke his arm and sent him back once again.

At first he managed to smuggle out a few furtively taken pictures and some secret staff interviews, but then his reports suddenly ceased to drop in. We still don't know what might have happened to him, but the pieces started to fit together when we saw the last picture he slipped out…

One of the porters

Rolf's unfinished staff interviews:

  An interview with kitchen assistant Gretchen Pickle:- We use to call the kitchen 'the lab'. 'Cause we don't use neither cookery books nor recipes here, but every day we are experimenting to invent new exciting dishes. You see, as we have no budget at all, we have to serve whatever we can find. Actually, it's real fun to see what happens when you mix different things. Mostly it gets no good, but we have a jolly good time, and that's what matters, right? You need a good laugh sometimes. The work-mates are nice and there's really a very good spirit here. What I don't like, though, are all those stray dogs that run around here in the kitchen. I want them quiet and still in the cauldron.
- It's been said that a lot of food is wasted in hospitals?
- Not here! We've solved that problem smartly by only serving one meal a week. And then nothing's left on the tables, no cutlery, plates or cups either, you know. Well, there's really nothing wrong with their appetite.

  Heinz Ketchüpp, the 'Cardiologist', says:
- If I like it here?! Jawohl, thankz for azking, I like it very much, not zo much to complain about, nein. - What training have I? Well, training, what do you know, I ztarted in ze kitchen where I mashed tomatoez, and they zaid I did that zo well that I was tranzferred here to Cardiology. But I ztill do zome extra work in ze kitchen. Jaa, it'z good juzt ztanding there chopping, without having to think about what you do. Well, there'z not a lot of that otherwize either.

Heinz Ketchüpp - Cardiology

Lum Ba Gho - Orthopaedics

- Is it true that you immigrants must do all the dirty work?

- HAI!, says back specialist Lum Bah Gho, ex sumo wrestler.

- How come that you became a back specialist?

- Formerly I wrenched backs out of joint. I still do that, but vice versa, giggles the merry and jovial Lum while sipping greedily at a bowl of rice oil and scrutinising my crooked back hopefully. Then I attended Bangin Ze Back's Institute in Sukiyaki for 26 years. When a fellow student informed me that the backs in Europe were bad, I packed my bag instantly. After working some time at Sonya's Massage Parlour, where our opinions about erotic massage clashed, I ended up here. I'm proud, I was taken up in Guinness Book of Records for a job I performed recently.

- Adam Apple, you're said to be the only one here at DVH having a decent education. Is that correct?

- Yes, that's right, I'm a photographer.

- But what on earth brought you here to Otolaryngology?

- Why, I made a film called "Deep Throat", and it appealed to the hospital director enough for him to urge me to start working here instead. And I really like it here.
- No trouble at all?
- Well, it would be the piecework, more or less always we give the wrong treatment, and that might become a bit messy. But, on the other hand, I'm only here to make money…

Adam Apple - Otolaryngology

Terrifying and harrowing to read this! Rolf never made it to that ventilator, supposedly.


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